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Bluetooth Media Streaming for Audi, VW and Mercedes Benz
Automatic reconnection every time you enter the vehicle
樂天拍賣 Browse, skip and control music playback using original steering wheel and head unit controls
Plug and Play no installation required! Simply plug into your cars existing iPod/Media socket
Display your entire iPod music library on your original car screen from your iPhone, iPad or iPod ToThe WMA3000A is a plug-and-play adapter designed for integrating wireless Bluetooth mus日本樂天購物網網址ic streaming with the following original Audi/Mercedes/VW factory fitted iPod kits (a detailed compatibility guide is available further down the page): Audi: Cars with the original Audi Music Interface Installed (AMI) Mercedes-Benz: Cars with the original Media Interface Volkswagen: Cars with the original Media-In Multimedia Port (MDI) Instead of manually plugging the iPod into the cable connected to the media sockect every time you enter the car, you instead connect the Tune2Air WMA3000A with integrated cable to the original media socket which you would have normally connected your OEM iPod lead to. The Tune2Air is then left in the car permanently connected to the original iPod socket. Once the Tune2Air is connected to your car and paired with your iPhone/iPod, every time you re-enter the vehicle the Bluetooth connection will be established automatically, meaning that your full music library will be instantly accessible on your in-car iPod interface, without having to remove the phone from your bag/pocket and manually plugging into the cable. This allows for a much more enjoyable in-car music experience as you can simply get in and drive, without the risk of leaving the iPhone/iPod in the car after the journey.Brand Name ViseeO
Item model number Tune2Air WMA3000A
Item Weight 2.4 ounces
Product Dimensions 5 x 4 x 0.5 inches
Item Dimensions L x W x H 5 x 4 x 0.5 inches
ASIN B00R2HZ1XU樂天市場網路購物商城
Shipping Weight 2.4 ounces


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好物折扣[美國直購] Bovee Tune2Air WMA3000A 傳輸裝置 Adapter網友推薦

    3C 電腦 樂天
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